Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Know Your Chakras: Five
Chakra 5 – The Throat Chakra – Vishudha (Purification)
Element: Sound
Function and Purpose: Communication, Creativity
Obstacle: Lies
Balanced Inner States: Powerful voice, attuned listen skills, honest and clear communication, highly creative
Imbalanced Inner States: Excessive or incessant talking, consistent interruption, poor listener
Location: Throat
Color: Blue
We began in the root chakra – our foundation – and have moved through the sacral chakra (our emotional and sexual center) into the solar plexus (our source of personal power and transformation) and on to the heart chakra (the center of love and compassion, as well as the center of the entire system), and we now enter our fifth chakra, located in the throat.
As we move through the root chakra to the heart, we are based within the physical, material world and as we enter the heart and the remaining upper chakras, we are entering the realm of the ethereal or spirit. This is where we transcend the limitations of the world of form, and begin our ascent into true source and the transformation of finite consciousness toward infinite awareness – and, ultimately, enlightenment. Communication is the vehicle which enables us to move to these higher planes of consciousness.
Our fifth chakra has to do with conscious communication through the vehicle of sound vibrations, creativity and self-expression, individually as well as through any of the arts: acting, writing, painting and dancing, just to name a few.
Without communication, life would cease to exist. This is due to the fact that communication is not limited to self-expression, but is also communication within our bodies, ranging from the synapses and neurotransmitters in our brains which communicates vital information to our organs, glands and enzymes, which ensures our survival, to the management of the information communicated to our millions upon millions of cells.
Without communication we would be unable to share ideas which in turn would stop all forms of invention and, ultimately, our evolution as a species. Everything we have today – from education, medical innovation, technology and spirituality – to every single creature comfort we enjoy and take for granted – started as an idea, was communicated and has become manifest.
Balance Your Fifth Chakra
Whether we live in a high or low vibrational state, our thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions, and the words we choose to speak all directly affect the vibrational frequency and rhythm of our chakras. One of the best methods of transforming low vibrational states, as well as our fifth chakra (and all other chakras for that matter), is through the act of chanting mantras.
Mantras and Chanting
There a literally thousands of mantras and chants spanning from a multitude of religions, cultures and spiritual practices, and each mantra or chant used has its own function and purpose such as protection, inner strength, clarity of mind, or the manifestation of material possessions.
Mantras and chanting are a means for transforming our minds from the negative, repetitive thoughts and behaviors which perpetuate themselves. It is the means of consciously awakening ourselves from the depths of ignorance by focusing the mind with pinpoint clarity towards the transformation of the self, creating the sense of peace and centeredness we all strive for. With mantras and chants, however, we soon discover that there is nothing to strive for, as peace and centeredness have been within us all along, that we have only been looking for it in all the wrong places.
When reciting or chanting a mantra, it is not necessary to understand its meaning for it to have efficacy. The mantra’s sound and vibrational rhythm penetrates our subconscious minds, resonating and restructuring us down to the cellular level and ultimately aligns us, as well as our energy, with the universe. We become synchronized with the rhythm of true source.
However, If we merely chant a mantra with little to no real investment of our entire beings, the effect will be minimal or lackluster at best. But when we invest our total selves, the benefits will be enormous and the manifestations will greatly surprise us on every level.
In today’s world of self-help psychology, affirmations are used to manifest changes in our individual thought patterns. Affirmations can also be used as mantras for growth on all levels. It’s important to note that when reciting an affirmation you should use “I am” before each stated affirmation, which tells the unconscious mind that the change has already taken place, and sets the stage for a greater future.
Shad Helmstetter has written an excellent book, “What To Say When You Talk To Yourself,” in which he shows us that by changing the internal communication with ourselves through awareness and the use of affirmations, we can succeed in transforming all aspects of our lives, and overcome the hurdles that prevent us from doing so.
All forms of creative expression is ultimately communication. This type of expression shapes perceptions, cultures and societies. A perfect example on a mass level would be the media, television, and film which has shaped (and continues to shape) our perceptions, negatively or positively, which in turn affects the direction of our culture and society.
In terms of creative expression through art, it is said that art is closer to God than religion. This is because God, or Source, is the creator of all sentient and insentient beings and is contained within us and all things. We are a part of “it” and when we create art we are carrying out the function of the creator without the need of a middle-man (or woman). We are the micro creators within the macro, creating and shaping not only art, but our entire lives.
In short, when we purify ourselves, we increase our vibrational energy, creating a clear connection to true source. Through the use of mantras, chanting and affirmations, we deepen our connection to source and develop the ability to effectively communicate our thoughts, feelings and emotions either verbally or creatively through artistic expression. We become free to be ourselves; comfortable expressing ourselves clearly and fearlessly, moving our way ever upward towards spiritual enlightenment.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
The Heart Chakra
Know your Chakras
The Heart Chakra
We began within our root chakra, slowly building our foundation and seeing the separateness of objects within the material world. We then proceeded to balance our second chakra, the sacral, where we learned to attain spiritual unity with another human being through the healthy, pure expression of our sexuality and emotions as well as the source of change. In the third chakra, the solar, we explored the aspects of owning and balancing our personal power as well as its source of transformation where we take creative action in making our wants and desires reality, which now brings us to the center of our being, the heart chakra.
Chakra Four – Heart - Anahata – (Unstruck)
Element: Air
Function and Purpose: Love, balance, self-acceptance
Obstacle: Grief
Balanced Inner States: Peaceful, loving, self-loving and accepting, empathetic, strong immune system
Imbalanced Inner States: Critical and judgmental of self and others, depression, antisocial, fear of intimacy and relationships, narcissistic
Location: Chest, heart
Color: Green
Home Is Where the Heart Is
The heart chakra is the center point of the entire chakra system. Its task: to integrate all the aspects of our personality through the act of pure love from Source, creating a balanced, fully developed, three-dimensional human being.
This chakra is the center of love. This isn’t the sexual love that is associated with the sacral chakra, which is based upon a passionate and physical connecting with another person but is about having a heart to heart connection from universal love with another human being.
This is the type of love that all the masters throughout history have taught and spoken of in order to guide us to the ultimate reality of the oneness, completeness and connection of all people and all things. This love radiates from deep within our soul, fills every cell of our bodies, and is not dependent on anyone or anything external for its survival and existence. Its mere existence is more than enough. It is the love that is eternal, spanning between all time and space, transcending yet integrating past, present and future. There is no beginning to this love, no ending. It merely is, was, and always shall be and is the energy which creates us, binds us and guides us; it is the entity of true source.
The “Search” for Love
So many of us are “seeking” for love, doing so by reading a myriad of books, going to seminars, therapists, signing up on dating sites and responding to personal ads. This type of love which is so vainly sought in our society has absolutely nothing to do with the true love from Source. This “seeking” comes from our egos in order to make up for that which we feel we have lost or lack: self-worth, validation, boredom or loneliness, which often times become co-dependent; it is a selfish and self-serving act under the guise and postings of “looking for love.”
Love from Source transcends our fragile egos and enters and dwells within the realm of spirit. In order for us to be loved we first must give it from the purest place possible with no hope or expectation of return or reward. Love nourishes itself by freely giving of itself. We come to know love from Source when we empathize with another, offer heartfelt compliments and acknowledgement or the act of nurturing, whether emotional or physical.
Yet, most of us were not raised in an environment where cosmic love was nurtured and allowed to flourish. It is our task to learn to access and develop this love which requires energy on multiple levels, one of which is to have all of our chakras balanced and in working order. This is especially true in forming and maintaining all relationships; intimate relationships in particular
Friday, July 16, 2010
Balance your 3rd Chakra
Balance Your Third Chakra
Starches are the foods to consume (in moderation of course) for the proper functioning of our third chakra. Whole grain starches are taken into the body and assimilated much slower and more thoroughly than processed flours. That being said, processed flours as well as sugar and/or stimulants should be taken in moderation or avoided, as they will eventually deplete the energy of the third chakra. Sugar addiction can point to an imbalance in the third chakra system.
Anger is a product of a forceful will: wanting it our way and then meeting impediments and obstacles which prevent us from getting it our way creates this state. This anger, as well as all emotions, is stored within our bodies at a cellular level, and builds upon itself over the years. These emotions must be processed in order for our chakra system to work properly. In the context of the solar chakra, we will deal with anger.
First, begin writing your earliest memory of being angry in a notebook, and what age you were. Write who made you angry and why, including being angry with yourself. Do this in chronological order from the first memory until the present. This allows your conscious mind to connect with the energy and emotions of the incidents. Do not worry if you forget something, as you can always go back and heal the memory again. The important thing here is to get the energy moving by getting it on paper.
When done, sit comfortably in a chair, spine erect but not tense, with your feet flat on the floor, and ground yourself with the exercise described in my first article on the Root Chakra. Bring this energy from the root chakra, through the sacral and into the solar (from the navel, just below the sternum). Visualize energy coming from the universe, entering your crown chakra (top of the head), guiding it down into the third eye (middle of the brow), the throat, into the heart, and finally into the solar plexus. Allow these two energies to meet. Experience it. How does it feel? What happens to it when you inhale and exhale? Do you experience emotions or images? There is no right or wrong answer.
Next, bring to mind the incident connected to your earliest memory of anger. This will usually result in the mind trying to escape by thinking of anything but the task at hand. Just gently guide your attention back, over and over again. What eventually happens is that we begin to see the incident in our mind, re-experiencing the feelings and emotions as if it had just happened. (Breathe deeply if the emotion is strong, or stop immediately if you feel you are being consumed. Working with a good therapist is an absolute must if dealing with severe anger or other emotional issues!)
When you feel you have connected to the issue and emotion, bring energy from the universe through the crown chakra down into your heart. Feel the energy expand and your heart grow warm, or whatever the experience is for you when your heart opens. The energy you feel here is the energy and power of perfect love and healing.
With the memory in mind, send this heart energy back to the past, to the incident, forgiving yourself and the people involved, reminding yourself that you, your parents or whomever, were doing the best they could with what they knew at that particular time in their lives – and usually in a state of unawareness. Even after you feel this has been completed for this age and incident, emotions may continue to arise. The support of friends, family, and therapists, as well as psychics, can help see you through the processing of these emotions. Be gentle with yourself. Proceed to the next age and incident only when you feel ready, and all in your own time. If you feel it is difficult releasing some of your emotions, a good idea is to do the second chakra exercises of swimming, taking a long hot bath or just being in a body of water to help with moving blocked emotions (see the Sacral Chakra article.).
I wish you well upon your journey towards the development of your own healthy, balanced will and personal power, using it to face the challenges before you and making the changes necessary in reaching your goals and transforming your life.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Emotion is the act of “moving out” the energy of our feelings through our conscious mind by way of awareness which cleanses and heals the body, giving us the ability to live in a much more open and receptive state, allowing us to truly connect and relate to another human being on all levels; physically, mentally and spiritually.
However, when our emotions are repressed, we become dominated by our unconscious mind, and can create a host of mental issues, creating drama in our lives. We become out of touch with ourselves and our natural state of being. This reflects itself as restrictive and ungraceful movement and a loss of authenticity. When we are in balance and in line with our highest selves, our authenticity and our emotions serve us in receiving vital data and information from our environment and others, allowing us a greater level of sensitivity as well as empathy.
In today’s culture, embracing and celebrating our sexuality is frowned upon, creating imbalances not only within ourselves but also throughout society. In our culture and media, violence is celebrated and has become the norm, divorcing us from feeling compassion and empathy for our fellow man as well as our own humanity. We are bombarded with the images of rape, torture and murder; yet sex and nudity are censored and repressed.
When sexual energy – any energy – is repressed, this energy finds other outlets (usually negative), often in the form of drug, alcohol and sexual addictions, as well as pornography that celebrates the degradation of women, further destroying the sacredness of our spiritual and sexual uniting with another person. Childhood traumas and wounds which damage this chakra on both the emotional and sexual level include physical, sexual and emotional abuse and manipulation, volatile home environments, neglect or rejection from one or both parents, or enmeshment in and growing up in an alcoholic family. It is of the utmost importance to note that when working through wounds and traumas in the sacral chakra – as with any chakra – to do so with a therapist, support group and supportive, nurturing friends or family members, if appropriate.
When the sacral chakra is balanced, we are able to release our inhibitions, which fully opens up our sexuality and our desire for pleasure, which can then be expressed in a healthy, balanced manner. The act of being sensual and making love becomes much more meaningful, pleasurable and sacred, allowing us greater sensitivity, presence and awareness, creating a highly dynamic experience. We come to know and experience true physical connection and unity with another human being on a spiritual plane.
Guilt. We’ve all experienced it. It is typically created by choices we’ve made, such as cheating on a spouse, lying, stealing, or any other action which is incongruent with our higher selves. Guilt is an emotion that splinters our personality, dividing body and mind. It is essentially becoming trapped in an ambiguous state, blinding us to the different choices and avenues we have before us, creating a heavy psychic burden which forces us to use the majority of our energy in the attempt to manage or deny these feelings. When attempting to suppress our guilt, the energy is diverted, creating an imbalance in the sacral chakra inhibiting the full, healthy flow of our emotional and sexual expression. Yet by embracing ambiguity, our energy is free to flow into different areas of our lives, thus creating positive change and spiritual awakening.
There is a positive side to guilt though. When these feelings arise, they are a sign that we have crossed certain boundaries, which allows us to see where those boundaries are taking us beyond either-or thinking, and feeling the uncomfortable emotions, which requires courage. This gives us the opportunity to make certain modifications in our actions, behavior and our life in general, creating positive change and opening channels for the further development of spiritual awakening.
Clairsentience and Psychic Ability
Clairsentience is essentially empathy; the ability to tune in and sense another person’s emotions. Most people with untrained empathic abilities tend to take on the emotions of others, leaving them unable to discern what emotions are theirs and which are those of others, often creating volatile emotional states within their psychic field. Developing and balancing the sacral chakra allows the clarity to understand what is our “stuff” and what is that of others. This is why developing a strong root chakra is so vital, as it gives us grounding, which creates a sacred space, protecting us from the often unconscious psychic barrage from other people and our environment.
Psychics and clairvoyants have a much higher degree of clairsentience. Both are intimately related and can be developed in all of us. Without proper guidance, there can be many pitfalls in the emotional, mental and psychic, energetic realms which can only hinder our development. If wishing to develop these abilities, it is recommended to seek guidance from a psychic, not only to avoid these pitfalls, but to understand what is currently blocking you from developing these untapped abilities.
In short, when our sacral chakra is imbalanced, we are ruled by negative emotions and our unconscious mind, as well as a distorted view and unhealthy expression of our sexuality and nature. We end up making bad choices and decisions, creating a dull and restrictive life which inhibits our ability to connect and unite with another human being on all levels.
On the flip side, when balanced, our compassionate and empathic abilities develop to higher levels of action and awareness; our emotions are felt, understood, embraced and processed and our view of our bodies, sexuality and its healthy expression are celebrated, opening us to give and receive pleasure in all areas of our life. We are able to truly connect emotionally and sexually with purity and the lack of inhibitions, allowing us the opportunity to spiritually unite with another, thereby opening us to greater heights of spiritual awakening
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Knowing and caring for your Chakras
First Chakra: Muladhara (Root)
Our chakras begin to form in the womb. This is also where trust – crucial to the development of the first chakra – is formed. If, however, our trust is betrayed in youth, our first chakra can become imbalanced, creating low self-esteem, lack of boundaries and an overall feeling of not having a right to be here. Healing begins when we become aware of the resultant inner states and behavioral patterns, and decide to change them. To do this, we must regain contact with our bodies – which can be an act of tremendous courage.
Below is a list of foods, exercises and meditations to help bring balance to our first and most important chakra.
Meats and proteins are grounding foods. This not only includes red and other fleshy meats, but also protein supplements, nuts, tofu, eggs and dairy products. It’s important to note, however, that red meats should only be moderately consumed. Red meat takes longer to digest and can keep the energy contained in the lower part of the body, blocking its flow to the higher chakras.
Element: Earth
Function and Purpose: Survival, self-preservation, grounding
Obstacle: Fear
Balanced Inner States: Security, stability, being comfortable in one’s body
Imbalanced Inner States: Moody and/or emotionally unstable, living in one’s head (thoughts and fantasies, being disconnected from the body)
Location: Coccyx, perineum
Color: Red
The root chakra, located at the coccyx and perineum, is our first and most important energy center – it is the foundation that all other chakras are built upon. Without this “root support,” we would never be able to open our upper chakras, thus reaching the pure state of spiritual consciousness.
This calls to mind an image of a great tree with its “roots” running deep into the rich, nourishing earth, reaching strong and high to caress the boundless heavens. Much like these trees, in order for us to reach the one true celestial source of pure connectedness with all that is, our roots must also run deep. Without deep roots, we are merely reeds floating atop the ocean, at the mercy of the tides, floating aimlessly through life, unable to choose our own direction and destinies.
When our first chakra is properly cared for and balanced, we are “grounded.” Grounding is the process of opening this chakra and resting comfortably in our bodies.
Function and Purpose: Survival, self-preservation, grounding
Obstacle: Fear
Balanced Inner States: Security, stability, being comfortable in one’s body
Imbalanced Inner States: Moody and/or emotionally unstable, living in one’s head (thoughts and fantasies, being disconnected from the body)
Location: Coccyx, perineum
Color: Red
The root chakra, located at the coccyx and perineum, is our first and most important energy center – it is the foundation that all other chakras are built upon. Without this “root support,” we would never be able to open our upper chakras, thus reaching the pure state of spiritual consciousness.
This calls to mind an image of a great tree with its “roots” running deep into the rich, nourishing earth, reaching strong and high to caress the boundless heavens. Much like these trees, in order for us to reach the one true celestial source of pure connectedness with all that is, our roots must also run deep. Without deep roots, we are merely reeds floating atop the ocean, at the mercy of the tides, floating aimlessly through life, unable to choose our own direction and destinies.
When our first chakra is properly cared for and balanced, we are “grounded.” Grounding is the process of opening this chakra and resting comfortably in our bodies.
Our chakras begin to form in the womb. This is also where trust – crucial to the development of the first chakra – is formed. If, however, our trust is betrayed in youth, our first chakra can become imbalanced, creating low self-esteem, lack of boundaries and an overall feeling of not having a right to be here. Healing begins when we become aware of the resultant inner states and behavioral patterns, and decide to change them. To do this, we must regain contact with our bodies – which can be an act of tremendous courage.
Below is a list of foods, exercises and meditations to help bring balance to our first and most important chakra.
Meats and proteins are grounding foods. This not only includes red and other fleshy meats, but also protein supplements, nuts, tofu, eggs and dairy products. It’s important to note, however, that red meats should only be moderately consumed. Red meat takes longer to digest and can keep the energy contained in the lower part of the body, blocking its flow to the higher chakras.
Jumping, jogging and stretching our legs are the best exercises for our root chakra. By engaging in these acts, we are effectively connecting ourselves to the earth, our physical ground. Being close and connected to the earth is an essential part of grounding, and the act of jumping, jogging and stretching brings energy into our legs and lower extremities; the closest areas to the root chakra. Hatha Yoga is also an incredibly powerful grounding practice.
Begin by sitting in a chair with your feet firmly planted on the floor. Imagine an invisible cord running through the top of your head, through your throat, your torso and your root. This will help straighten your spine, creating alignment of the chakras and allowing unrestricted energy to flow through them.
Now, close your eyes and visualize your root chakra (the base of the spine) as a red spinning orb of energy. Begin breathing slowly, deeply and deliberately into the chakra. Notice how it feels on each in-breath and each out. How does the energy shift in your body? What do you experience in the chakra? Once comfortable with doing this, bring your attention to your feet. Feel their shape, their heaviness. Now imagine there are roots growing from the bottom of your feet, growing deeper and deeper into the earth, down to its core. Feel the grounding qualities this gentle act brings.
Now begin to draw the energy of the earth from these roots up into your legs, then your knees, into your thighs, into the whole of your pelvis and ultimately your root chakra. Continue drawing in this way, feeding your first chakra with the earth’s grounding energy. Sit with this energy for as long as you like, feeling it grounding you.
When you’re ready, begin visualizing and feeling the energy moving from your root chakra to just below the naval, then into the solar plexus, from here to the heart, from the heart to the middle of the throat, from the throat to the third eye (middle of the forehead), and from the third eye to the top of your head. From the top of your head, feel and visualize the energy reaching to the sky, past the sky, into space and ultimately into your conception of Source.
When you feel this connection, sit with it for as long as you like, and when you are ready, reverse the flow of energy. Take it from Source into your crown (top of the head), back down through each point and then deeply into the root chakra.
Allow yourself the time to sit and feel the pure energy of Source coursing through you. Feel your connection and oneness with it. Feel its beauty, its simplicity, its accepting, unconditional and all-encompassing healing and loving energy. Realize that all of this is you, that Source is you and that when you are grounded in yourself, Source is grounded in you.
Sounds for Foundation
Root Chakra Sound Vibration – 396 Hz
The fundamental sound for the root chakra is “Lam” which, when chanted, resonates with our foundational energy. It’s important to do this slowly, extending the word so that it sounds like “Laaaaammmm.” While doing so, you can visualize the color red (the root chakra’s corresponding color), while feeling the sound vibration reach your foundational root.
The musical note which corresponds to the root is C. This note can be either sung or played on most musical instruments. The most popular method is that of singing bowls that are tuned to the C note. This doesn’t mean that you have to rush out and buy a guitar or a singing bowl if you don’t have one, as there is a vast selection of mp3 and CDs that can be found through the Internet. Remember, it isn’t the method that’s important, but the sound.
Music can calm, inspire, uplift or help us revisit the memories of our youth. It is the soundtrack to our lives. And like our lives, our chakras have a soundtrack of their own.
Our root chakra forms our personal and individual foundations, and the earth is our physical foundation. Both are inseparable, and without either, we would not be here.
Our Planet Earth is millions upon millions of years old. It remembers all things; from her inception to the first spark of human life. We have been connected through the Earth to our long-lost ancestors who first made music and created tribes. In a sense, they are the foundation of the human race.
It’s no surprise, then, that the music which resonates with our roots is tribal; long before speech, survival was the primary focus (the function of the root chakra). Drumming is the most concentrated form of music for our foundational chakra, and it is most effective to do it yourself; alone or in a drum circle. This, however, may not be practical for everyone (or our neighbors!) – and, like the C note, can be done by listening to mp3s or CDs
Root Chakra Sound Vibration – 396 Hz
The fundamental sound for the root chakra is “Lam” which, when chanted, resonates with our foundational energy. It’s important to do this slowly, extending the word so that it sounds like “Laaaaammmm.” While doing so, you can visualize the color red (the root chakra’s corresponding color), while feeling the sound vibration reach your foundational root.
The musical note which corresponds to the root is C. This note can be either sung or played on most musical instruments. The most popular method is that of singing bowls that are tuned to the C note. This doesn’t mean that you have to rush out and buy a guitar or a singing bowl if you don’t have one, as there is a vast selection of mp3 and CDs that can be found through the Internet. Remember, it isn’t the method that’s important, but the sound.
Music can calm, inspire, uplift or help us revisit the memories of our youth. It is the soundtrack to our lives. And like our lives, our chakras have a soundtrack of their own.
Our root chakra forms our personal and individual foundations, and the earth is our physical foundation. Both are inseparable, and without either, we would not be here.
Our Planet Earth is millions upon millions of years old. It remembers all things; from her inception to the first spark of human life. We have been connected through the Earth to our long-lost ancestors who first made music and created tribes. In a sense, they are the foundation of the human race.
It’s no surprise, then, that the music which resonates with our roots is tribal; long before speech, survival was the primary focus (the function of the root chakra). Drumming is the most concentrated form of music for our foundational chakra, and it is most effective to do it yourself; alone or in a drum circle. This, however, may not be practical for everyone (or our neighbors!) – and, like the C note, can be done by listening to mp3s or CDs
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Indigos, Crystals & the Asperger Syndrome
Because many youngsters display these characteristics which are no more than another way for Indigos and Chrystals to express themselves.
In the words of an Indigo child who was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome:
"If I could wish anything for this world, it would be for people to feel complete understanding, acceptance and love for all their fellow souls on this planet!"
for more on this go to:
Indigos, Cristal e o Sindrome de Asperger
Porque muitas crianças nascem com estes sintomas, que não são mais do que outra forma de expressão encontradas pelos Indigos e Cristal para se expressarem.
Nas palavras de uma criança Cristal a quem foi diagnosticado Sindroma ou Sindrome de Asperger:
"Se eu desejasse qualquer coisa neste mundo, seria que as pessoas sentissem uma completa aceitação, compreensão e amor por todas as Almas viventes neste Planeta!"
para mais informação:
Nas palavras de uma criança Cristal a quem foi diagnosticado Sindroma ou Sindrome de Asperger:
"Se eu desejasse qualquer coisa neste mundo, seria que as pessoas sentissem uma completa aceitação, compreensão e amor por todas as Almas viventes neste Planeta!"
para mais informação:
Friday, July 2, 2010
Signs and Symbols for Healing
Signs and Symbols for Healing
Simbolos de Cura
Go take a look. It's well worth it
Go take a look. It's well worth it
Merece uma visita
Indigos and Crystals
How do you know if you, or someone you know, is an Indigo or Crystal Child or Adult?We will describe the main features and characteristics of these people. But we want to stress that the Indigo/Crystal phenomenon is the next step in our evolution as a human species. We are all, in some way, becoming more like the Indigo and Crystal people. They are here to show us the way, and so the information can be applied more generally to all of us as we make the transition to the next stage of our growth and evolution.The Indigo Children have been incarnating on the Earth for the last 100 years. The early Indigos were pioneers and wayshowers. After World War II, a significant number were born, and these are the Indigo adults of today. However, in the 1970s a major wave of Indigos was born, and so we have a whole generation of Indigos who are now in their late twenties and early thirties who are about to take their place as leaders in the world. Indigos continued to born up to about 2000, with increasing abilities and degrees of technological and creative sophistication.The Crystal Children began to appear on the planet from about 2000, although some date them slightly earlier. These are extremely powerful children, whose main purpose is to take us to the next level in our evolution, and reveal to us our inner power and divinity. They function as a group consciousness rather than as individuals, and they live by the" Law of One" or Unity Consciousness. They are a powerful force for love and peace on the planet.The Indigo and Crystal Adults are composed of two groups. Firstly, there are those who were born as Indigos and are now making the transition to Crystal. This means they undergo a spiritual and physical transformation that awakens their "Christ" or "Crystal" consciousness and links them with the Crystal children as part of the evolutionary wave of change. The second group is those who were born without these qualities, but have aquired or are in the process of aquiring them through their own hard work and the diligent following of a spiritual path. Yes, this means that all of us have the potential to be part of the emerging group of "human angels".
How do you know if you, or someone you know, is an Indigo or Crystal Child or Adult?We will describe the main features and characteristics of these people. But we want to stress that the Indigo/Crystal phenomenon is the next step in our evolution as a human species. We are all, in some way, becoming more like the Indigo and Crystal people. They are here to show us the way, and so the information can be applied more generally to all of us as we make the transition to the next stage of our growth and evolution.The Indigo Children have been incarnating on the Earth for the last 100 years. The early Indigos were pioneers and wayshowers. After World War II, a significant number were born, and these are the Indigo adults of today. However, in the 1970s a major wave of Indigos was born, and so we have a whole generation of Indigos who are now in their late twenties and early thirties who are about to take their place as leaders in the world. Indigos continued to born up to about 2000, with increasing abilities and degrees of technological and creative sophistication.The Crystal Children began to appear on the planet from about 2000, although some date them slightly earlier. These are extremely powerful children, whose main purpose is to take us to the next level in our evolution, and reveal to us our inner power and divinity. They function as a group consciousness rather than as individuals, and they live by the" Law of One" or Unity Consciousness. They are a powerful force for love and peace on the planet.The Indigo and Crystal Adults are composed of two groups. Firstly, there are those who were born as Indigos and are now making the transition to Crystal. This means they undergo a spiritual and physical transformation that awakens their "Christ" or "Crystal" consciousness and links them with the Crystal children as part of the evolutionary wave of change. The second group is those who were born without these qualities, but have aquired or are in the process of aquiring them through their own hard work and the diligent following of a spiritual path. Yes, this means that all of us have the potential to be part of the emerging group of "human angels".
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¿Cómo saben si ustedes o alguien que conocen, es un Niño o Adulto Índigo o Cristal?
Describiremos los principales aspectos o características de esa gente. Pero queremos enfatizar que el fenómeno Índigo/Cristal es el próximo paso en la evolución con especie humana. Todos estamos, de alguna manera volviéndonos como la gente Índigo y Cristal. Ellos están aquí para mostrarnos el camino, y de esa forma la información puede ser aplicada más generalmente a todos nosotros cuando nosotros hagamos la transición a la próxima etapa de nuestro crecimiento y evolución.
Los Niños Índigo han estado encarnando en la Tierra en los últimos 100 años. Los primeros Índigos fueron pioneros y para mostrar el camino. Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un número significativo de ellos nacieron, y esos son los Índigos adultos de hoy en día. Sin embargo, en los 70’s nació una gran ola de Índigos y así es como tenemos una generación completa de Índigos que están ahora a finales de sus veintes y en principios de sus treintas. Los índigos siguieron naciendo hasta aproximadamente el 2000, con habilidades y grados de sofisticación tecnológica incrementadas y con sofisticación creativa.
Los Niños Cristal empezaron a aparecer en el planeta desde aproximadamente el 2000, aunque algunos llegaron un poco antes. Estos son niños extremadamente poderosos, cuyo propósito principal es llevarnos al siguiente nivel de la nuestras evolución, y para revelarnos nuestro poder interno y divinidad. Ellos funcionan como una conciencia grupal en lugar de funcionar como individuos, ya que ellos viven por la “Ley de Uno” o Conciencia de Unidad. Ellos son una poderosa fuerza para el amor y paz del planeta.
Los Adultos Índigo y Cristal están compuestos de dos grupos. Primeramente, están aquellos quienes nacieron como Índigos y que ahora están haciendo su transición a Cristal. Eso significa que ellos están experimentando una transformación que despierta su conciencia de “Cristo” o “Cristal” y que los une a ellos con los niños Cristal como parte de una ola evolutiva de cambio. El segundo grupo son aquellos que nacieron por medio de su propio trabajo duro y que diligentemente han seguido su sendero espiritual. Sí, eso significa que todos nosotros tenemos el potencial de ser parte del floreciente grupo de “ángeles humanos”.
Describiremos los principales aspectos o características de esa gente. Pero queremos enfatizar que el fenómeno Índigo/Cristal es el próximo paso en la evolución con especie humana. Todos estamos, de alguna manera volviéndonos como la gente Índigo y Cristal. Ellos están aquí para mostrarnos el camino, y de esa forma la información puede ser aplicada más generalmente a todos nosotros cuando nosotros hagamos la transición a la próxima etapa de nuestro crecimiento y evolución.
Los Niños Índigo han estado encarnando en la Tierra en los últimos 100 años. Los primeros Índigos fueron pioneros y para mostrar el camino. Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un número significativo de ellos nacieron, y esos son los Índigos adultos de hoy en día. Sin embargo, en los 70’s nació una gran ola de Índigos y así es como tenemos una generación completa de Índigos que están ahora a finales de sus veintes y en principios de sus treintas. Los índigos siguieron naciendo hasta aproximadamente el 2000, con habilidades y grados de sofisticación tecnológica incrementadas y con sofisticación creativa.
Los Niños Cristal empezaron a aparecer en el planeta desde aproximadamente el 2000, aunque algunos llegaron un poco antes. Estos son niños extremadamente poderosos, cuyo propósito principal es llevarnos al siguiente nivel de la nuestras evolución, y para revelarnos nuestro poder interno y divinidad. Ellos funcionan como una conciencia grupal en lugar de funcionar como individuos, ya que ellos viven por la “Ley de Uno” o Conciencia de Unidad. Ellos son una poderosa fuerza para el amor y paz del planeta.
Los Adultos Índigo y Cristal están compuestos de dos grupos. Primeramente, están aquellos quienes nacieron como Índigos y que ahora están haciendo su transición a Cristal. Eso significa que ellos están experimentando una transformación que despierta su conciencia de “Cristo” o “Cristal” y que los une a ellos con los niños Cristal como parte de una ola evolutiva de cambio. El segundo grupo son aquellos que nacieron por medio de su propio trabajo duro y que diligentemente han seguido su sendero espiritual. Sí, eso significa que todos nosotros tenemos el potencial de ser parte del floreciente grupo de “ángeles humanos”.
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