Friday, August 27, 2010
Soul Agreements
Their blessings and challenges
Many spiritual teachers say that every person's soul purpose is nothing more--and nothing less--than to experience joy, expansion and the growth of wisdom and compassion, lifetime after lifetime. Exactly how that joyful expansion and growth are accomplished, however, is up to each individual, evolving soul.
It's important to remember that there's a big difference between soul purpose and life purpose. Your soul purpose is conceived of and directed by your eternal self, your Soul, and usually unfolds in stages that can last several lifetimes. You could call each stage the Soul's "current mission." Your life purpose, on the other hand, is basically a set of goals and objectives which were developed by your Soul specifically for this present incarnation, with the intent of furthering your Soul's current mission.
And when you, as your Soul, sit down at the Big Conference Table in the Sky to plot out your next lifetime's goals and objectives, you're not alone. With you are usually many members of your soul family, individuals who have traveled with you through several lifetimes, or a few, and who join you in plotting an intricate web of interconnecting life threads, encounters that will assist or challenge you, and them, to make the most of your coming incarnation.
Together you plan when and where you'll meet. You cheerfully build in obstacle courses and synchronicities to keep things interesting. You decide on gifts and difficulties for your individual personalities, and whether you will take the role of friend, lover, family, Spirit Guide--or even enemy--this time around. And just to keep things suspenseful, you give each Soul's incarnated personality the free will privilege of "opting out" of any Agreement, at any time, perhaps with karmic consequences, perhaps not, depending on how you make your choices, and why.
Your Soul Agreements are the result of all this creative brainstorming among Eternal Beings. And, while it's is not true for everyone, many people discover that nearly every one of their important relationships has a Soul Agreement.
There are a number of ways to recognize the existence of a Soul Agreement in a relationship, although the specific parameters of the agreement aren't always so easy to pinpoint. Always, the relationships are intense and full of meaning. Usually, when you meet there's a sense of recognition that's irresistible, and that can be misinterpreted by your personality or ego, especially when the possibility for romance exists. Often the relationship has built-in challenges or obstacles that require effort and commitment to overcome. Conversely, it can be so easy in the beginning that when obstacles do appear, it's shocking, and can cause the relationship to collapse.
What if the parent or sibling who caused the most difficulty and heartache in your youth is actually a friend from prior lifetimes, one who agreed to take on the unpleasant task of helping you build your emotional and spiritual strength through challenge? Or to help you to balance karma by learning to treat them, in all their awfulness, with forgiveness and unconditional love?
Or perhaps you and another member of your soul clan will decide to spend a few lifetimes meeting and loving, but unable to find your way to happily ever after. Perhaps this choice will help you each develop your capacity for faith, your trust in the long-term, many-lifetime promise of consummated love, or your ability to give and receive wholehearted, unconditional love in spite of conditions. Or so that at least one of you will be forced to develop self-reliance or the ability to commit fully to the greater good of spouse and children rather than personal gratification.
It's not always easy to divine the intent behind Soul Agreements, especially the ones that are painful, usually because when you're focused on the personality level, you lack the necessary perspective. But your Angels and Spirit Guides can often help you at least understand what your Soul wants you to learn from the experience. Astrology, numerology and psychic readings can also help.
When you look at each of your relationships as though they contain a Soul Agreement, you get a whole new perspective about the purpose and meaning of what's happening between you. When you look at it from a Soul perspective, even when you haven't figured out the details of a particular Agreement, suddenly things become less personal, the drama that accompanies personality conflicts dissipates magically, and you are freed to learn the things that your Soul had in mind when it created the Agreement before you were ever born.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Chakra 6 – The Third Eye - Ajna - (To Perceive)
Element: Light
Function and Purpose: Sight, perception, intuition, visualization, imagination
Obstacle: Illusion
Balanced Inner States: Strong intuition, strong ability in creative visualization, keenly perceptive, imaginative
Imbalanced Inner States: Inability to visualize or imaging the future, insensitive, living in denial
Location: Center of the forehead or slightly between and above the eyes
Color: Indigo
So far we have moved from our roots, growing strong and deep into the earth, up into the flowing waters of our emotions and sexuality, to the sunlight of personal power and transformation, into the lush, green forest of unconditional love, to the clear blue skies of communication, and now into the indigo stratosphere of inner sight and visualization.
The sixth chakra, more commonly referred to as our third eye, is located in the center of the brain (and can be exteriorly felt between the eyebrows), and is the source of inner and outer sight and perception. Its primary function, however, is seeing beyond the physical, material realm, and it is the inner visionary aspect of our thought and mental workings of the mind.
Our sixth chakra is often referred to as “the seat of the soul” and is the fundamental source of creative visualization, imagination and psychic ability, as it is one more step into the ethereal and spiritual realms of the chakra system.
Through the process of light perception within our physical sight, we are able to take in the images we see in the outer realm of physical manifestation, and process and store this information in the inner, visionary realm of perception which can be used in the process of creative visualization and imagination.
When our sixth chakra is balanced, we have the ability to clearly imagine and visualize the positive future which we desire. The images and visualization process flows freely, yet is guided by the structure of our choosing through the use of our mental processes. When the brow chakra is imbalanced, however, our visualization processes and imagination can either be non-existent or lack the structured guidance necessary to focus our energy into creating the future we long for – much like a ship out to sea, without a rudder, at the mercy of the wind and storms.
The most important aspect of the sixth chakra is psychic ability, which is within each and every person and can be developed through practice and patience. The third eye allows seeing beyond time and space, giving us the ability to move freely between the interconnectedness of past, present and future, which manifests itself in the form of visions, images and cosmic insight and perception
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Rainbow Children
Think of yourself as an incandescent power, illuminated and perhaps forever talked to by God and his messangers…Brenda Ueland
The rainbow children are the third generation of special children that have come to help humanity evolve. Different from the Indigo and Crystal children, Rainbow children have a few more interesting characteristics. The Rainbow children are generally born in the year 2000 and above. In some cases, there might also be a few scouts that came to earth before 2000. The few Rainbow children that are here today are born from early Crystal scouts that were born in the 1980’s.
As the name implies, the Rainbow children come to earth with a few more other spectrum of ray color. They are born on the ninth dimension of consciousness, the dimension of collective consciousness.
As many people might have experienced it, the Rainbow children bring joy and harmony to their families. Unlike the Indigo and Crystal children, the Rainbow child is born to smile, which is accompanied by their huge hearts that are full of forgiveness.
Doreen Virtue describes characteristics of Rainbow children:
· Very few currently incarnated.
· Parents are crystal adults.
· Never incarnated before.
· No karma.
· Do not choose dysfunctional families.
· They are all about service.
· May have big eyes like the crystal children, but they are totally trusting.
· Entirely fearless of everybody.
· Bringing in the healing rainbow energy previously brought through Reiki, QiGong, and Pranic healing and other hands on healing.
Crystal children can also be very high energy, have strong personalities, be creative, and can instantly manifest anything they want or need.
The purpose of the Rainbow children is to complete the final stages of the foundation that the Indigo and Crystal children have made. The three children, Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow each have a specific task. The Indigo children are to break down the paradigm of the traditional thinking. Then the Crystal children will build their foundation on the broken paradigm. Finally, the Rainbow children are here to build on to what the Indigo and Crystal children began.
Doreen Virtue says, “the Rainbow children are perfectly balanced in their male and female energies. They are confident without aggressiveness; they are intuitive and psychic without effort; they are magical and can bend time, become invisible, and go without sleep and food. The Crystal children’s sensitivities make them vulnerable to allergies and rashes. The angels say that the Rainbow children will have overcome this aspect… Rainbow children have no karma, so they have no need to choose chaotic childhoods for spiritual growth...The Rainbow children operate purely out of joy, and not out of need or impulse. The babies will be recognized, because their energy is one of giving to parents, and not of neediness. Parents will realize that they cannot out-give their Rainbow children, for these children are a mirror of all actions and energy of love. Whatever loving thoughts, feelings, and actions that you send to them are magnified and returned a hundred-fold.”
Rainbow children are already attuned to the world we are moving towards when things will instantly manifest. Humanity as a whole is not there yet, so the mass consciousness grid holds back instant manifestation from being commonplace. A toddler has a hard time understanding that. They feel if they “think” juice, well then juice ought to naturally appear instantly. In higher dimensions this may be true and it will be true here on Earth as well, thanks to the Rainbow kids making it so.
Rainbow Children tend to:
· Have very strong wills and personalities.
· Be very high energy.
· Be very attuned to color and color vibrations around them.
· Have passionate creativity.
· Love bright clothing and colorful environments.
· Bubble over with enthusiasm for everything in life.
· Expect instant manifestation of whatever they think/need.
· Have healing abilities.
· Have telepathy.
The Rainbow children seem to be here to implement the Divine Will and they will use their strong will and energy to build the New World on the foundation of peace and harmony the Crystal children are laying down. The Crystal children are only able to lay down that foundation because the Indigo children have already forged the path and broken down all of the old barriers. They are all-important and have to come in this sequence to accomplish their goals.
Rainbows are highly sensitive, loving, forgiving, and magical like the Crystal children. The difference is that the Rainbows have never before been on earth, so they have no karma to balance. The Rainbows, therefore, choose entirely peaceful and functional households. They don’t need chaos or challenges to balance karma or grow.
As the other Crystal children grow older, they will be the peace-loving parents who birth the new Rainbow children. The Rainbows being born right now are the scouts, and the large influx of Rainbows will occur during the years 2010 through 2030.
Rainbow children are absolutely open hearted, love unconditionally, and have no fear towards any stranger. Unlike the Crystal children who only display affection to people warranting their trust, the Rainbows are universally affectionate. They heal us with their huge heart chakras, and envelop us in a blanket of rainbow-colored energy that we so sorely need. They are our earth angels.
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