Friday, December 31, 2010

Oracle Card Reading for Year 2011

Greetings and Merry wishes of a Happy 2011!

Because its a new year, because many of us felt tonight a wonderful vibration wrapping our beloved planet, entering our solar plexuses, our heart chakras and even our third eye, because there is this amazing new energy everywhere bringing us a renewed sense of joy and happiness, the first reading of the year could not be more accurate.
From the Oracle of magical Mermaids and Dolphins, the draw was WORTHINESS- Know that you deserve to receive good in all ways.

I have to enfasize this last part. We deserve to receive good in ALL WAYS!!!
Most times, due to deep-seated beliefs that we don´t deserve, we block our own manifestations. Manifestations are not rewards for good behaviour but instead are effects of our thoughts , beliefs, feelings and actions. When we allow ourselves to receive, we help with God´s plan to demonstrate love everywhere.
Accepting Heavens help is about allowing ourselves to be helped so that we can also help others. This year, make a commitment to accept good graciously by affirming: "Thank you for the gifts that have come to me now. I gratefully accept them for the good of all".

Have a wonderful year my dears and may the Light shine upon you always.
Love and Light

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Good morning everyone!
Yes i have been away. But am back with an Oracle reading for the week. And yes I know its Wednesday but my intention was really to do a reading that would cover this festive season.
From the Oracle of Saints and Angels, Forgiveness was the card our guides have drawn for us.
Forgiveness symbolized in this Oracle in the figure of Mary Magdalene, telling us the answer to our question(s) involves letting go of resentment, judgemnt and anger.
" You already know who or what to forgive. It's the first person or situation that comes to mind. You don't necessarily have to pardon the action involved, but this card is a message for you to releasethe toxins of anger towards the person, agency or situation. Unforgiveness only hurts you, not the person with whom you are angry.
You are preparing for a wonderful new chapter of your life, and forgiveness is part of your preparation. It is a refreshing and deeply healing shower of love that cleanses you inside and out. This gives you energy, stamina, high self-esteem, and it frees you to be yourself. Call upon Mary Magdalene to help you to forgive or be forgiven so that you can move on with your life and your dreams."

Could not be more appropriate that at the time where the whole cristian world celebrates the birth of Christ that Forgiveness would be the motto for the season.
Love and light


Monday, December 6, 2010

Overcoming Darkness

As stated in Star Wars, the Dark Side of the Force is not only tempting, but so much easier. But why is it easier to be dark? Because it is the path of least resistance (at least on the surface). This path requires no work and seems to hail much higher rewards, because there are many more like-minded individuals by one’s side. It is easy to engage in self-loathing, bitterness, anger, wrath and self-victimization, and even easier to remain in a lovely bubble of denial and illusion. I would almost say that “dark” is the default mode of human beings, because by design we are wired to choose the path of least resistance, to exercise power over those we perceive as weaker and seek out those who support us in our illusions. We are herds, in which the most persuasive pack leaders form the opinions of the followers. This is also how wars are fought, how dictators succeed, how kings ruled and how atrocious crimes are committed.

The path of “light,” on the other hand, wards no quick successes. It requires hard work, constant reflection and self-awareness; being open-minded and -hearted and always trying to grow, while seeking out truth. There is nothing quick or easy about it. The individuals traveling on this path are much harder to find, don’t usually flock together and hardly ever travel with the herd. Unfortunately, they don’t really stand out that often, either. They are usually unnoticed, because they are not that driven by ego; hence, they are not the squeaky wheels who make the most noise or appear/dress the loudest. And lastly, they don’t really claim enlightenment, certain abilities or status, because there is no need for that (think of the Dalai Lama, Ghandi or Mother Theresa). They carried/carry a light so big that it requires no explanation at all.

I cannot claim enlightenment and I am certainly not even close to a Dalai Lama or Mother Theresa. While I have tried from childhood on to travel the path of light, I have often failed and still at times fail miserably. When one is born and raised surrounded by darkness, it is very difficult to not let it become part of your being. We take on the attributes of that which surrounds us most of the time. This is what creates cycles that continue throughout generations. This is also why “like-minded individuals” attract each other.

My darkness consisted of fear, sadness, anger and regret. I had no ability to let go. The pain, anger and fear I carried would make me swing wildly from being extremely strong and self-sufficient, to completely needy and weak. Life felt like one large sprint. I would run at 200 mph, then crash and burn, crawling at snail’s speed. I would learn certain lessons at the speed of light, jump from one level of evolution to the next within a week, and then not get other lessons at all, plateauing for years without any movement.

How did I get out of this hole and off the path of self-destruction? I guess it started with replacing the dark parts with light parts. I still had my ability to instinctively recognize light, so I would try to seek it out. The more I found examples of those traveling that path, the more I wanted it for myself. I wanted the peace of mind they seemed to sport. I wanted the joy and balance they seemed to experience most of the time, no matter what was thrown at them. I re-evaluated who I was all the time, and never stopped. I found some people who served as role models and kept me straight. After a while I knew when I was dwelling on the wrong side and when I was not.

It’s like learning to play the guitar. When you first start out, you can’t really hold a tune, your fingers cramp and bleed, and you are pretty far from making actual music. But the more you practice, the easier it becomes, until one day you are playing songs. The path of light for me is like learning the guitar. At times I still strike the wrong cord and my song sounds more like nails over a chalk board. My fingers are hurting and cramping and there are times when I want to give up, because “I’ll never be able to play like a true artist.” The work is miserable too. I spend hours practicing my new found skills in everyday life, while desperately trying to not fall back into my old ways, which are still very ingrained and persuasive. I read a lot again; medidate a lot, talk to those on the same light path a lot.

In order to keep on the path, I had to shed some of the baggage that was keeping me in the dark, and there was nothing easy about that either. It was painful and difficult and wanted to make me give up more than anything else. Letting go of old ways and people who no longer served my well-being was heart-breaking. As I said in the beginning, it is heart breaking to have to let go of anyone or anything.

I still second-guess myself a lot. Courtesy of my old wiring. I still want to rekindle old friendships with people who have hurt me, walked out on me, betrayed me or simply were really shitty friends. I still loop at times about these individuals, re-feel the pain and blame myself for their behavior. However, these incidences have become less frequent.

Doing the right thing and staying on the right path is hard work, and yet it has been the most rewarding journey thus far. It is said that ignorance is bliss. This might be true on some levels. It turns out, though, that there is more bliss to be experienced when one is actually aware, instead of ignorant.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Our Guides Message

Last week a very dear and special friend came to visit. Little did I know when I heard of his coming that it would prove to be such an eventfull week.
I found myself sharing spiritual experiences with someone I thought had no inclination towards such subjects, and moreover learning from him.
And then I thought, lessons may come from everywhere. From the ones we expect to the ones we really don´t.
Having this in mind, I asked my Guides for a message. One I could keep in my heart and share with you.
They were prodigal in their reply. My Guides answered with Appreciation, a card from the Ask Your Guides oracle deck.
Appreciation for what may you ask?! Appreciation for our/your Divine Helpers. Those the Universe sends our way to help us.

Help us realize NOW is an important time to contemplate our place in the world. Pay attention to our influence on others, noting we are a part of a big community. Recognize our interactions with those around us, and respect the fact that no matter how well we may succeed on our own, we must still depend on others in a myriad of ways for our confort and security.

Our Divine Helpers are present to remind us to appreciate our fellow human beings and take nothing for granted. Recognize our need for others and the unspoken gifts they share with us. Move beyond our self-interests right now, and participate in a common effort. Ask ourselves how we might contribute to the greater good.

Our Divine Helpers message: "Be responsable for your part in the great scheme of things"

To my friend I thank and extend my love and blessings.
To all, may this be a blessed week.
Love and light
