Thursday, March 22, 2012

On being whole

Good morning dear ones
The Spring equinox has now passed, opening the door to a new season of life and rebirth.  After the energetic chaos of the past few months, time stood still while the whole of Earth was under the influence of the “eye of the hurricane” calm. Spring season will bring renewed feminine energy to all, but also more chaos so order can finally reign.
In my understanding and experience there is nothing wrong with chaos. It brings change, new opportunities, exciting new challenges. Should we choose to leave our comfort zones and embrace this change that so kindly is being offered to us by the Universe, we may very well find ourselves being taken to new levels of consciousness, openness and even happiness.
What is happiness you ask? Well I can tell you there are 7 billion answers to this question. As many as there are human beings living on this planet. To me, personally, happiness is about being whole and therefore being at peace and feeling safe. Being whole means recognizing the good and the not so good about ourselves, embracing both sides and acknowledging good and bad are part of us, of who we are.  Because we dwell on physicality there must be opposites to all things. Good/bad, light/dark, happiness/grieve and so on….Opposites are meant to shows us the path, like guiding lights on the side of the road. Sometimes I hear people saying there are only 2 roads. We can only choose one or the other The way I see it though, there are many roads we can choose from. Life offers a myriad of possibilities, and it is up to us to go and grab them, one or two or many.
But going back to being whole…it takes hard work, tears, and sometimes going through one or several “dark nights of the soul” to achieve this state. It can take a lifetime. But I assure you it pays off…handsomely! Yes I know, we live in societies that are all about beauty in its broader sense! One must be the “right” way in order to be accepted by others.
And again you find me disagreeing with this point of view and instead thinking: How about each and every one of us accepting ourselves first? Loving ourselves the way we are? More than that, most times what we dislike about others is nothing more than the mirrored image of what we dislike about ourselves. Taking a closer look may very well help us climb the ladder to a life where we are less demanding, critical and harsh on ourselves. And the word that comes to mind is Tolerance. Being tolerant has nothing to do with being patronizing, it has all to do with acceptance and ultimately with love. Yes there is a darker side to us all, a less prettier one, one we tend to hide from others, and many times vehemently deny having. But guess?! It is there! Looking at us straight in the eye and making its appearance in full force when you least expect it. Only by embracing it and making it a part of “I” can we integrate it, tame it if you wish, and even come to the point of loving it. Then, and only then, will we feel the bliss of being whole, strong, grounded and connected.
May the process of growth be kind on us all, but may it also be effective so to bring about more happiness and enlightenment
Brightest Blessings,

Friday, March 9, 2012


It was a long day of a long week. 
Pondering on a few of the things that ocurred, I was left to wonder until which extent are we really accepting of our fellow beings. Tolerance was the key word that literally began and ended my working week. On Monday, a dear friend reminded me that we are 7 billion people on this Planet and the word for Aquarians was Tolerance. At the time I was very upset at what someone had done and was taking it very personally. That one word managed to ground me and bring me back to my senses. I then sent all the loving energy I could to that person, feeling it welcoming  that energy, and my own "anger" being transmuted into peace and quietness. Today again the word came. In the form of general conversation, on how we are all different and therefore wonderful, radiant beings of Light.
Someone even said the world would be a better place if we were all tolerant of one another.

To all of you, my dear journey companions, to all who live in my heart I say:

It is my essence that makes me unique, my faults which make me different and my hability to love that makes me human
I am an ordinary person...please don't make me what I am not..don't invite me to be like everyone else....because in my heart I am different....don't tell me what is expected of me...because I willl always follow my heart ...I am unable to love a little, or just half ....I do not know how to fly when my feet are stuck to the ground....I am always my true self .....and  in being so will always be true to all...
Thank you All for being in my life
Brightest Blessings

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Moon Goddess

There is a mistery about the Moon that I do not think is easy to put into words. Today this was the view from my window. Impossible not to gaze upon, impossible not to bask in its light, impossible not to recall memories of past lives when all was less complicated or even demanding.

Lately I have been rediscovering what is like to be one with Nature and indeed Nature has been kind to me by allowing me more and more into its realm.  From trees to waves, from a simple stone to the most wonderous of crystals, wind, rain, a leave or a feather, all cries "I am Earth, I am Nature, I am Gaia, and you my darling child, you are mine and will always be protected".

Moon Goddess, the epithomy of the femine energy, the one who sheds light into the darkest of places. Tonight I chose to seek protection under the Moon, let her fill me with its Light, felt it was time to renew my vows as one of the bearers of this amazing force, the female energy. There are many faces to a woman: Daughter, Sister, Mother, Warrior, Maiden, grown Woman , Death, Goddess, Priestess, Queen or peasant, the one who gives life and the one who leads the souls of those leaving this dimension and guides them across. With each of these faces comes a different power, with each power comes an awareness and a sense of duty.Duty towards the Earth as a whole, and to each and every single one of its creations. To love, care for, embrace and protect.

Each morning the Moon retreats so give way to a bigger brighter Light, that of the Sun, and each night she returns, a soft gentle glow around her.

May you all feel protected tonight and may the Moon Goddess fill you with its silvery grounding energy.

Brightest blessings,

Thursday, March 1, 2012

And down came the rain.....

Mother Earth has today bestowed upon me a wonderful gift, one I did not see coming and one I will treasure forever in some special part of my Soul.
All those who read my posts know I never get personnal and only very seldomly do I tell /share my own experiences. However today something happened that made me want to not keep it to myself, because all who are feeling as lost as I was today deserve to know,  in the hope that my experience  will come to them as ambrosia to the soul, as this wonderful rain that is now finally coming down on Portugal, renewing the cycle of nature and soaking the land so it provides food for animal and human alike.
I am fortunate enought to have many ancient trees right at my workplace. Part of the garden is neatly kept but other part, more hidden, is allowed to be wild and harbour the magical spirits of old.
It was lunch time and energetically and healthwise I was far from being at my best.  It had been my intention to work with the Elements (praying for rain) and find solace by the trees in the less kept part of the garden. Found a tree that welcomed me and sat down, seeking to ground myself and drink from the energy there. For the longest time it was difficult to clear my mind and "listen to the silence". Leaning against the tree trunk for what seemed an eternity I was able to finally simply not think.

Once I was done with my meditation, I thanked the tree for rocking my worries away. Looking down to pick up the stones I had carried with me, I suddenly noticed a nail, a huge, rusty nail, burried deep in the trunk.

Sometimes things are what they are and when dealing with other beings we need to make sure we are not taking something that is  supposed to stay and not leaving something that in fact should be taken away. So my next step was to ask the tree if I could, if I was allowed...if that nail had already served its purpose. I felt an acquiescence, a soft certainty that "yes, it´s now time"!
The nail came out more easily than I had hoped. Now, as with everything in the energetic/spiritual world, when we take something, we must put something in its place, so it was time to fill that space emptied by the nail with green healing light. I again put my hand against the tree trunk and summoning the green energy visualized it healing what had now been made whole.

It was then that I again felt the soft voice saying to me -"as you have healed me and made me whole by removing that nail, so will I heal you and make you whole by removing your nails".
Most unexpectadly I could "see" a white beam of light penetrating my heart chakra, removing nails and filling the now empty spaces with the pink light of Universal Love.

The opressive feeling I had been experiencing since early morning abandoned my body and it was replaced by a sense of relief, of undying, unending Love for all the Souls who dwell here. Tears streamed down my cheeks while I was still trying to come to terms with what had happened. Tears of gratitude and love for the exchange that took place, tears of relieve for feeling grounded, whole, happy and strong. In my now healed heart lingers a deep sense of gratitude for my tree-friend.

Brightest blessings,