Friday, April 20, 2012

When the Universe says "Wait"

Sometimes things do not happen when we want them to, nor do they happen the way we want them to. Sometimes they do not happen at all, leaving us dishartened and sad, pondering all they "whys" and "whens" . Other times we see them taking shape in the energetic world, someone we love opening up to love us back, the dream job/trip/house, overwhelming us such is the abundance, whilst in physycality nothing seems to happen.

On two totally unrelated ocasions this week the Universe has told me No, gently rebuking me, telling me it is now my place to let it work, the exact words I felt were "it is not your call, it is mine". Twice I then turned back, feeling a mix of hopelessness and hopefull, giving way to the Almighty to fight my causes for me. Does this make me feel better? No it doesn´t. Patience is probably the hardest lesson this world had in store for me and it is far from being learned. Again I am facing my worst, dreaded enemy, and again I am clinging to shreds of faith trying to hold on.

I am learning it is a daily task, and that setting monthly or even weekly goals is unrealistic. I am also learning that even though things may appear bright on the energetic plane, they may be less bright on the physicall plane since they are not yet being manifested and therefore remain unseen.

So, question is, what are we to do while the Universe is at work? Are we to stop and go mind our own business and forget about the whole thing? Or are we to keep on bordering obsession unpatiantly waiting for the desired outcome?

With so much to do, so much to heal, there is a calling for each of us to turn inward, to become hermits in our own cause, and to let time do what it does best...pass....until we regain strengh to again let our light shine in full force.
May this time be short, and may we learn all we need, in solace and knowing the Universe has wonderful things in store for each and everyone of us.
Brightest blessings,