Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cutting Energy Cords

Cutting Energy Cords

Energetic cords are lines of psychic energy which connect you to the people in your life. When relationships become unhealthy or abusive, they can become troublesome – if you’re trying to get somebody out of your life who you feel is draining you, and you can’t seem to shake them, often finding your mind drawn back to them and awash in negative feelings – you might be said to be “corded.” Some lightworkers were asked what is the best way to deal with energetic cords:

“Cutting energetic cords is very simple to do,and it can truly restore health and vigor. It may even heal what ails you. It will give you back all of the glorious potential your life has always represented. Cutting energetic cords is something that I have had to do many times. Sometimes the reasons are not even due to negativity, but rather to remove a deep sense of loss and sadness.

“It’s not that I needed to cut out the negativity. Nor did I wish to undo those strong bonds of love. What I needed was to gain a happy spirit again. Cutting cords was necessary to move on with my own life. Sometimes this is very hard to do when someone is missed so terribly. Yet, it can be done. The relationship with loved ones is not over, though knowing one another in the ‘ether’ is very different than a relationship in the physical present. The cords I had to cut were tethers of emotional sadness that often accompany a forced change when a partner, beloved family member, friend or pet departs.

“With belief, this can be a rather easy thing to do. I approach it as if it were a spiritual ceremony. I light candles to quiet an active mind. I breathe deeply and try to achieve a state of calm. When I’m ready, I ask for help and understanding. I ask for cooperation from Spirit and the loved one from whom I am trying to separate. I picture the cord in my mind, reaching out into space, still firmly attached to my target. Sometimes, with lots of affection in my heart, I picture it as a beautiful piece of ribbon. I hold it with my left hand and thank Spirit for all of our rich experience together. They, I purposefully pick up a big pair of imaginary shears and quickly cut the cord. The sense of relief is generally immediate.

“This practice can be used for many different scenarios. You may wish to separate for all time from an abusive relationship. There may be jealous coworkers about who always try to sabotage your best efforts. There could have been a nagging, harping relative who told you that you would never amount to anything. It is perfectly alright to walk away from anyone who intends you harm. It is also absolutely okay to cut the cords that bind you to another’s negative opinion of you, a painful memory or a difficult and energy-draining tug of war. You can tweak the imaginary process in any way that you choose.

“We are so good at creating negativity all by ourselves. It may surprise you to know, you can just as easily remove it for all time.”

“The best way to cut energetic cords is NOT TO CUT THEM! If you just cut, then you leave dangling ends attached to you and to the person at the other end, ends which can (and often do) reattach easily.

“The best way to remove unwanted cords is to gently pull them – by the roots! – from your energy field, and then from the energy field of the other person. Next, bundle up the removed cord and use any technique you like to send the energy back to the Universe to be neutralized and recycled.

“I often work with cords when I do readings, using exactly the technique I described above. However, I’d rather teach callers to be alert for cords themselves, especially negative cords or ones which are attached anywhere other than your throat, heart or second (sacral) chakra, because those can be problematic.

“It also helps to be able to recognize the nature of the energy in a cord, and therefore the cord’s intent … whether you can see it clairvoyantly, or feel discomfort in your body, doesn’t matter. It’s the awareness that counts, and then using just a bit of care when you disconnect.”

What are your favorite ways to cut energetic cords?
Would love to hear form you

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